
Showing posts from July, 2021

Subject Associated Activity 6: Moon Day Celebration

Moon Day Celebration was conducted in online mode today. It included a documentary presentation and a quiz competition for the students of our college. Principal inaugurated the program. Students actively participated in the quiz.


A documentary was made about the Agasthyarkoodam ranges in Thiruvananthapuram district. It was a group work. Students collected information related to the topic and made a documentary with the collective effort.


Microteaching is a technique aiming to prepare teacher candidates to the real classroom setting . Microteaching can also defined as a teaching technique especially used in teachers’ pre-service education to train them systematically by allowing them to experiment main teacher behaviors. By the help of this technique, teacher candidates can experiment and learn each of the teaching skills by breaking them into smaller parts and without encountering chaotic environment of the crowded classes. It is also called scaled down technique as it is limit time, no of concepts, and no of students. It has the following cycle. Phases of microteaching is given below We practiced microteaching in the class. I chose reinforcement and blackboard writing as skills. Micro teaching on Periodic Trends . Skill focused is reinforcemet Microteaching on Bohr's Model of atom . Skill focussed is blackboard writing Microteaching is followed by link practice before going to actual classroom situation.