Subject Associated Activity 4: National Science Day Celebration

September 1893 made him famous as a writer by divine rights, and as a messenger of Indian wisdom to The Western world. For three years he spread the Vedanta philosophy and religion in America and England and then returned to India. He founded the Ramakrishna Math and mission on 1st May 1897. In 1898 he established Belur Math.

In June 1899 he left India for a second visit to the west. He returned to Belur Math in December 1900.The rest of his life was spent in India, inspiring and guiding people. He has dedicated his life to guiding others for a pure and true spiritual path. His health destroyed and Swami Vivekananda breathed his last on 4th July 1902 at the Belur Math leaving behind the Immortal Legacy not just in the heart of his contemporaries but for all generations to com



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