week 5 : Bye Byee School 👋👋

I never felt that I could be a good teacher. Might be because all my teachers were too good or the best!  Whenever I stepped in the classroom as a teacher, especially in Guest lecturer days in Alphonsa Palai, I had this anxiety ruling my head. a 23year old girl was not matured to handle  bunch of students younger to her just by an year. I'm 31 today, Still I'm having the butterflies in my tummy while addressing a class!. I always tried to run away from this costume as far as possible, and the responsibility it offers was heavy for me.  but finally my destiny took me here.. Thanks to all my teachers- Leena teacher, sumayya teacher, Radha teacher, Jisha teacher, Jasmine teacher, Moniyamma teacher, Rosamma teacher... how simple they were!.. it's true that I was trying to imitate them, blindly; hoping that I would be like them one day.. 

Will be missing you my children. You made me realise that I can be a mother to many! 
Parvathi Teacher


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