Ekta- our community living camp

Glimpse of Community Living Camp 

Who loves not camps? I'm not different. From naming it to , decoration to, coordination to, execution, we all were there united, just like the camp's name sounded "Ekta" (unity) . The name was suggested by Bhavana of Natural Science and we all loved it! Promo was created by Aparna JS of English. Brochure was done by Shajil n Sreeram. The main coordinators were Nishitha Prem n Abhijith. 

The first day ( 28 th Feb) started with inaugural ceremony. Thankamma teacher, Secretary Kaviyattu Trust lightened the lamp. Our Principal Dr. k.V Kunjiraman was the chair of the meeting. Next was a guidance class for future teachers in us by Dr Sunil Raj, consultant psychologist. Demonstrations made this session very much interactive and enjoyable. Afternoon session was on clay modeling by our Shiyas sir
The second day (2nd March)  was development of e- content by Dr Chanchal Ma'am of KUCTE, Nedumangadu  and yoga by our Nishad sir. In former session the team Physical science wrote a script on Water pollution. Because of time strains we couldn't shoot it.  I couldn't participate well in the later session due to meniscus injury 
In the third day (3rd March) we had theatre training by Abhijith Rangakala.  It was intended to equip us with theatre experience to impart it successfully in teaching learning process. The class was fully on practical mode , and turns out to be my favourite. It made us on the spot script writers, actors and directors. 

Fourth day (4th March) was our cultural event "Come On Everybody". The name was suggested by me! Okay, I guess now I can take some time for some self boasting session. I was mainly involved in planning cultural events. And it was me suggested a food court,. game zone, exhibition , ramp walk and magazine release as the part of camp. It was me who designed the promo for camp, which was later published on our college's fb page with an alternative background score suggested by Devika. 
The main motive behind the suggestion was the need of non stage performer in me to have an opportunity to showcase my  talent like many others in the class. Team commerce under the leadership of Panchami took the charge of food court, Bhavana with team Natural Science undertook the responsibility of exhibition. Magazine and Game were my responsibility. Achu Chandran, n Aswathy supported me in coordinating games 
and Shajil helped me with Magazine "Ezhuthum Kuthum". 
The most remarkable work was  stage decoration , done by Vineetha and team. Stage performances were exemplary. My personal favourite was Greeshma's solo semiclassical dance. 

The fifth day was study tour. Since my baby was too small for a seperation, I couldn't attend it. But the name selected for the trip "Dorayude prayanam" with tagline " kolukkumala keri povande avidunnu wonderla yil chadande" was my suggestion. To compensate the study tour we had to visit NISH on 1st April

Curious to know more about our camp. Browse the QR code to see more pictures.


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