Think Pair Share

When Think Pair Share Strategy combined with ICT it worked so well. Ionic compounds and types of covalent bonds were discussed using these techniques. 

Phase 1:THINK -Video was provided to aid thinking on the concept
Phase 2: PAIR- Students were paired and allotted time discuss their findings

Phase 3: SHARE - Student groups were asked to write a note on the concept provided. Daily milk Bubbly was offered to winning team. Lack of continuity in presentation of ideas were the problem noticed in students' write up. Hence a general format in the form of rubric was given for second session 
Rubrics used for evaluating performance. In addition to this involvement of both members of the pair was assured.

Problems faced: Initially planned to combine ionic and covalent bonding in a single hour (total 8minutes) , but due to network issues the attempt failed and splitted into two sessions.

Merits: More attention from students, more grasping of the concept. Ownership of knowledge and Responsibility in learning are the visible advantages of the method


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