Thank you ❤️

Last days of BEd.. and Amma , I don't have words to express my gratitude ❤️.. Thanks for being Chakku's mother as well as mine. Though we differ in our perspectives in almost everything, I acknowledge that deep within we are the same. ( though I don't want to be!) I know how much you and Appan struggled in the last two years, how much you postponed your own things.. dropped your plans.. Irrespective of your health, your needs, your happiness you both put me at the top of your priority list. When I was struggling you extended all the supports including financial. For a woman of 30, being dependent was tough, but you made sure I don't ask for anything to anyone. You stood for my self respect, respected my choices even when people addressed you as irresponsible. You never pressurized me to do anything for public.  You assured me, I was or I'm or I will be never a burden in your life. I don't know what/ where I would be without you having my back! Thanks for everything ❤️. Hope I will make you proud one day...

PS: Appa... I love you the most! 


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